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CentralNic Help Center
CentralNic Registry
TLD Migrations, Launches and Changes
TLD Migrations, Launches and Changes
Everything you need to know about upcoming migrations launches and changes
.MUSIC Launch Information
.BOX Launch Overview
.CASE Launch Overview
.Forum Re-launch Information
.HELP Migration
.GL Migration
dotGL Migration FAQ
XYZ 2022 batch
MIGRATION NOTICE - .audio, .christmas, .diet, .flowers, .game, .guitars, .hosting, .lol, .mom, and .pics
ShortDot - upcoming pricing and premium name changes
.Saarland price change 15th April 14:00 UTC 2022
Changes to .coop verification process
.bh, .البحرين and SLDs
Why does the registration price for .COM.BH (as well as,, include a negative price point?
.BH launch - additional FAQs
.BH Registry - The Complete Launch Overview
.BH Registry - Eligibility Requirements (SLDs plus IDN)
.BH Registry - .bh and .البحرين launch dates and pricing
.zuerich launch dates and pricing
Following up on your (.Zuerich) domain application
.Zuerich launch FAQs
The complete Zuerich launch information
.zuerich from application to allocation
.zuerich allocation process