We offer daily exports of domains that are on the list to be deleted. This might be useful to organize drop-catching of domains.
However, please note that whilst a scheduled release time is designated on the list, this indicates the time the delete process starts and the time at which the domain eventually drops can vary based on the amount of domains queued to be deleted at the same time.
IMPORTANT NOTE: We have a strict policy that governs drop-catching. Please read more about it here.
As a CentralNic registrar, you will have access to these files
- Through the registrar console
- On our FTP server
On either location, you can find a file for each TLD you are accredited for.
Obtaining this file through the registrar console:
Log in to the registrar console
Locate the FTP file browser under the "Graphs and Reports" section
Then click on the "droplist" folder
Finally, click on the file for the TLD you'd like to download