Some TLDs allow you to apply a registry lock, which, in essence, is an extra layer of security to go through when making changes to a domain. This could be useful for domains that are key to your operation and change infrequently or need a special level of security.
To ADD registry lock to a domain in your inventory:
Log into the registrar console
Navigate to Manage domains
Locate the domain you want to apply the lock to and click it.
On the page that opens, scroll down until you see the following section where you can enable registry lock:

To Remove registry lock from a domain:
Currently we don't expose this feature through the interface and registry lock needs to be removed by opening a support ticket to with the request to remove registry lock from a domain or set of domains.
This will result in the following EPP status codes being applied to the domain:
serverRenewProhibited (this will not prevent auto-renewals)
Once locked, any attempt by the registrar to update, renew or delete the domain will be
refused by the registry, as will any attempt by another registrar to transfer it.
When the registrar wishes to change a domain that is locked or remove a domain from the
list, they must submit a support ticket to request that the domain be unlocked.
The registry will authenticate the request by contacting the registrar by telephone on the
number initially provided and stored within our system and verifying the details of the
request. Once verified, the lock will be removed from the domain.
The registrar may then make the changes required via the Registrar Console or EPP system.
When the required changes have been made, the registrar submits a further support ticket
to request that the domain be re-locked. The registry will automatically reālock the domain
after 24 hours.