Logging in is achieved in 3 simple steps:
- Step 1: Visit the CentralNic registry console website by clicking here: https://registrar-console.centralnic.com/dashboard/login
- Step 2: Enter your Registrar ID, i.e. your username and password
- Step 3: Click the Login button
We also have two-factor authentication for added security which you will be required to set up on your first login. We use Google Authenticator or Authy (which can be downloaded from both Apple & Android App stores) to generate the time-based tokens. Should you lose the ability to complete the login, don’t worry – drop us a mail at support@centralnic.com and we’ll walk you through the reset. If the password has been forgotten, you can go through to the password recovery page which can be accessed by clicking on the forgot your password link underneath the login button.
Once on this page, you will be required to input your username or email below that you would also have to either input the captcha code which will be shown or click the audio icon and input the information that is shared. This will send a mail with a deep link which can be used to set your password again.